The logo that inspires me comes from ancient Celtic spirituality.  It is both Christian and non-Christian in its meaning, which is why I like its universality.  The basic structure is the knot known as the Celtic Triquetra, or Trinity Knot. A circle weaves in and out of the Triquetra. Celtic knot-rose logo large Flowing through and out of the knot is an opening red rose.  Let’s look at each part as a symbol of spiritual journey and growth.

The Circle:  In many belief systems the circle is the symbol of eternity; it is also a symbol for the unity of life and all things in the cosmos. We are part of that eternity in the cosmos.

The Triquetra:  This ancient symbol is a Celtic knot with no beginning and no end.  For the ancients it was a symbol of earth, air and water, the basic elements of life; it was also a symbol of life, death and rebirth which relates so well to our spiritual journey of transformation.  For Christians it became the symbol of the mystery of the Trinity, or three in one.

The Red Rose Opening: I have added the red rose as a symbol of the gift of love that is at the center of our true self.  As we walk our spiritual journey the rose of love opens slowly to reveal the essence of love for self, for others, and for the cosmos.